Tuesday 26 July 2011

poem-the light of my life


Lovelight shines through his eyes
Naughtiness and innocence conglomerate in his smiles
His gurgles and cackles can lighten a tense mood
He has taught me the meaning of motherhood
His pure soul can unfold a whole new world
His unheeding trust in you gives joys manifold

When he looks at you through a haze of slumber
It tugs at your heart and makes you wonder
What did I do to deserve this adulation?
You can barter your life for that moment’s admiration
This innocence, this charm, this pure love that’s tender
Has captivated my being, I am in a sweet surrender

Unaware and thoughtless, life could be so pure I was clueless,
My ignorance of this emotion, had deprived me of heaven
Oh god, I am so blessed I can’t thank you enough
For showing me this lovelight and sending me so much love.

To my dear shona who’s given the world to me…………..shona’s mom


The word education has a very wide connotation. It is hard to define. There is no single objective which can cover the whole of life with its various manifestations. The two poles of our concern; the temporal and the world of spirit are widely apart. Philosophers and thinkers from Socrates (469-399B.C) to Dewey (1859-1952) in the West and Yajnavalkya (about 600 B.C.) to Gandhi (1869-1948) in the East have defined education in accordance with their philosophy of life with the result that there emerged divergent concepts and definitions of education. The concept of education is like a diamond which appears to be of different colour when seen from a different angle.
Like the proverbial elephant and the blind men, everybody i.e. a biologist, a priest a philosopher, a statesman, a teacher, a shopkeeper, a merchant an artisan…everyone seems to have his own concept of education which is influenced by his own outlook on life and his past experiences in a limited field.